SNOW DAY! Good excuse to stay inside, rest and recharge!

SNOW DAY! Good excuse to stay inside, rest and recharge!

Hello Friends! It's a Friday, and we are having a welcome snow day here in Denver! The weather here has been glorious- sunny and 75- very warm for February, and while I love the sunshine, my body has been needing a day OFF.  I love what I do, but in order for me to give to others I have to take care of me. I've learned the hard way about burn out and I consider self care now a part of my full time job. I try to take one day off a week from teaching and "doing" to just BE. Today is that DAY! I treat this day like a mini-retreat for myself. I sleep for as long as I need to. I try not to set an alarm and I turn my phone to "do not disturb". When I wake up I take my time. Sometimes I drink hot water and lemon (i'm trying!!) I drink a cup of coffee, and a Shakeology. Today I got to soak in an epsom salt bath, used my neti-pot and scraped my tongue. I spent a good amount of time face timing with my sister and 13 month old niece, because she makes me HAPPY. Journaled. Had an early lunch of eggs and toast. I meditated. I inverted (handstand preps and practice). I played a little harmonium (slowly learning). I did a T25 workout with beach body on demand (hello, lower body). The rest of the day I plan to snuggle with my kitty and hubby, binge Nashville, watch some oscar nom's and dine on pizza and our home brewed chocolate coffee stout. I will probably be in bed before 11. I am well aware that this is a luxury, and I consider myself blessed to be able to afford a whole day that revolves around taking care of ME! We don't all have a whole day- but I believe we can do small things EVERYDAY to keep our cups full and our bodies healthy and strong!

let me also tell you this- I often feel guilty about taking care of me. I know that seems crazy, especially as someone whose JOB is wellness. This is a practice for me too, in self love and 'enough-ness' i.e. feeling like ENOUGH.  I say to my students, "If you don't take care of you, who is going to?? Your students, children, spouses, bosses, and community won't benefit from your martyrdom, and neither will you." But for some reason when I slow down to take a day OFF my mind starts shouting everything else that I SHOULD be doing, that everyone ELSE is doing... and who do I think I am to DESERVE a whole day of love for ME?? How SELFISH of me, I should get to WORK..." and it goes that FAST. That's what the mind does. This is a practice. So I breathe, and slow it down and remember that I AM ENOUGH and that fact alone is reason to "indulge" in the beauty of life all around me. What makes me sad, is that I know I'm not alone in this. If you've ever had thoughts like these, know that you are not alone. Also know that these thoughts are not healthful or helpful. So notice them. They are just thoughts. Then let them go. Focus on your breath and create space between those swirling thoughts to choose a loving one. Practice Self Care as a way of loving yourself!

Here's a little list of things that you can do to take care of YOU so that you can take care of those you LOVE! Picking one of these a day is a good start but the more, the merrier!

  • take an epsom salt bath
  • do a face mask then let your face be naked or head to the spa for a facial
  • get a massage
  • sweat. work out, because it feels good, not as a form of punishment!!!
  • meditate
  • go outside! Walk, hike, or bike in the fresh air and let nature shift your perspective
  • drink water
  • drink more water
  • eat fresh foods
  • eat what you love
  • music. make it or listen to it. sing along in the car. enjoy it.
  • get off your phone
  • silence. observe it or sit in it. 
  • journal
  • sleep. it's important.
  • laugh. watch a comedy or hang out with your hilarious friends and enjoy each other.
  • love. hug. smile. 

in love and laughter,




