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Podcast Practices


Podcast Practices

These offerings are made with LOVE. Being a yoga teacher is just as much a practice as being a student, and I'm currently practicing using only my WORDS to teach, so I thought I would share these practice-practices with YOU! So roll out your mat, and push PLAY... on the screen and in your heart-mind!  There is no music on the tracks, but the title of the track is the name of the correlating playlist on Spotify if you enjoy practicing with music. This content is free and I would like to keep it that way. If you feel called to contribute financially to help make that possible, please contact dayleextrell@gmail.com or donate directly to @Dayle-Extrell via Venmo- Namaste!

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu
BLEND: twists & outer hips
Loving Kindness Meditation
arm balance PLAY

if using music for arm balance PLAY, start the playlist on spotify "arm balance play" at the same time as the podcast!

Yoga Nidra Meditation (yogic sleep)
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Video Practices

Video Practices

Sun Salutation

A great warm-up to any practice! This variation includes stepping forward and back and moves one breath per movement. Focus on creating slow deep breaths and move with your internal rhythm. Feel free to put on some music and keep moving after the video ends!

Gentle FLow (pre/postnatal)      props: 2 blocks (optional)

Move with your breath in this warm up flow. If you are pregnant or recently have had your baby please get approval from your doctor before you begin this practice. If you are pregnant focus on "hugging your baby" with your tummy muscles and move slowly between the postures. Listen to your body and have fun! For more tips on prenatal yoga check out my blog post here!

Open Flow

Great follow up to the warm-up flow, or done on it's own. Focus on your breath and moving between the postures. It may be helpful to set an intention. Choose a word, like patience or state it as a positive affirmation, "I am exactly where I need to be" and let it help you move without judgement on your mat. 

Grounding Flow Props: 2 blocks (optional)

Follow along with special guest Erica Treais Holm for this strong 15 minute flow. We use standing balance postures to help us feel more grounded when we leave the mat- so wobbling is welcome during your practice!


Work Day Flow    Props: Chair & wall 

Been sitting staring at the screen too long? This practice will help open your neck, chest, shoulders and lower back- in less than 10 minutes! No yoga clothes or mat required!  

Pelvis Stability: gentle Glute Toning 

Pain in your low back or hip may be from instability in your pelvis and toning can help! This routine is a great addition to the prenatal and postnatal flows but is great for all bodies seeking balance! 

Video Production by Erica Treais Holm